This one-piece mailer looks like a spice sack on the outside. When the ‘PULL’ tab is lifted, the contents of the mailing concertina out to reveal easy ways to spice up Christmas.

Folded mailer, outer

Surprises to spice up the [Surname] family Christmas
Gift vouchers inside


Give Christmas a twist
by trying something new

Hoping for a white Christmas? Why not let your children loose in the kitchen with the icing sugar to guarantee the snowiest December ever? Snow-dusted mince pies are just one of the suggestions for fun festive food you’ll find here. And to add extra spice to your family celebrations, we’re giving you a free Gingerbread Decorating Kit. Just hand in the enclosed coupon when you next visit Sainsbury’s.

Arty snow
To create instant, edible ‘snow’, why not sprinkle icing sugar or cinnamon over mince pies? You could use paper stencils to make Christmas shapes.

(Caption): Sprinkle, sprinkle little star

Spicy chocolate
Try adding a pinch of cinnamon to hot chocolate to five it a seasonal twist. Perfect to take in a flask if you’re going carol singing.

(Caption): Mmmm, smells delicious

Jazzy gingerbread
Try decorating gingerbread men with coloured icing and sprinkles or any thing you like. There are five gingerbread men in your kit to make angels or wise men.

Shapely sandwiches
Why not give a twist to turkey sandwiches by cutting them into Christmas shapes?

(Caption): Delighted to eat you

Tasty place settings
Try icing your guests’ names onto shortbread for a tasty and original place setting card.

Yummy fun
Why not make family games even more fun by using chocolate coins as the pieces? The winner eats the game.
(Caption): Victory is sweet

Just add nutmeg

Give everyday recipes a seasonal flavour with grated nutmeg. Sprinkle it on porridge on Christmas morning or add it to stewed Conference pears.

Have a magical Christmas

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